

UEI and OCPI: The Ultimate Guide to Streamlining EV Charging (2024 Update)

EV’s smooth ride is dependent on the robust EV charging infrastructure. It offers a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. One of the key challenges in EV charging infrastructure is ensuring compatibility between different charging stations and electric vehicles.  Imagine driving your EV across the country and …

UEI and OCPI: The Ultimate Guide to Streamlining EV Charging (2024 Update) Read More >>

Charging Ahead: Bright Future of Charging Infrastructure

Charging Ahead: Bright Future of Charging Infrastructure

Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly changing the landscape of transportation and creating a need of a strong EV charging infrastructure. In the past decade, we have witnessed a surge in EV popularity, driven by factors like increasing environmental awareness, technological advancements, and growing consumer interest.  According to data, global electric …

Charging Ahead: Bright Future of Charging Infrastructure

ev charging load management

How Does EV Charging Load Management Help EV Charging Businesses? Learn 8 Practical Ways

The transportation landscape is shifting significantly with the increasing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs). These environmentally friendly cars are rapidly gaining traction due to concerns about climate change and advancements in battery technology. As a result, the demand for convenient and reliable EV charging infrastructure is growing exponentially. However, simply …

How Does EV Charging Load Management Help EV Charging Businesses? Learn 8 Practical Ways Read More >>

innovation in e-mobility sector

Centre’s White Paper Reveals Strategies to Accelerate Tech Innovation in E-Mobility Sector[2024]

This white paper is a concise version of three white papers prepared by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) on EV batteries, Motors & Power Electronics, and EV Charging Infrastructure. The white paper assesses the technology gap areas, identifies potential solutions, and suggests an R&D roadmap to develop indigenous …

Centre’s White Paper Reveals Strategies to Accelerate Tech Innovation in E-Mobility Sector[2024] Read More >>

Power Utilities

The Important Role Of Power Utilities in Driving Positive Change for the EV Industry by 2030

The transportation sector is a major contributor to global climate change, accounting for roughly a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. In response, electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining significant traction as a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. Better technology, cheaper batteries, and environmental worries are driving …

The Important Role Of Power Utilities in Driving Positive Change for the EV Industry by 2030 Read More >>

What is EV Roaming

EV Roaming: Everything You Need To Know | Top 7 Benefits to Supercharge your Charging Experience

EV Roaming is a rapidly growing trend in the electric vehicle industry, revolutionizing the way drivers access charging infrastructure. With the surge in EV adoption, it becomes crucial to understand the concept of EV Roaming. This blog aims to provide you with an in-depth overview of EV Roaming, its key …

EV Roaming: Everything You Need To Know | Top 7 Benefits to Supercharge your Charging Experience Read More >>

White-label Mobile Apps | YoCharge EV Charging Management System | EV-CMS | EV CMS

Why Invest in EV Charging Apps

Mobile apps have taken over the software market like a storm. People have started surfing mobile apps more rather than web applications. A report published on publicised that the global mobile application market size was worth USD 206.85 billion in the year 2022 and is forecasted to grow at …

Why Invest in EV Charging Apps

Indian Standards for Electrotechnology in Mobility 2024

Indian Standards for Electrotechnology in Mobility 2024

As countries strive to reduce their carbon footprint, electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular. In India, standards have been set to ensure the safety and reliability of electric mobility. The Indian Standards for Electrotechnology in Mobility cover everything from EVs to charging infrastructure, safety measures, and performance criteria. These …

Indian Standards for Electrotechnology in Mobility 2024

EV Charging Business

EV Charging Business: 4 Exciting Ways Energy Companies Can Embark on the Journey

The demand for electric vehicles is increasing, creating a need for more EV (Electric Vehicle) charging stations. According to Allied Market Research, the EV charging station market is expected to reach $226 billion by 2031 with a projected annual growth of 30.5%. Therefore, Investing in the EV charging station business …

EV Charging Business: 4 Exciting Ways Energy Companies Can Embark on the Journey Read More >>

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