Currently most of the countries are adopting green technology and encouraging the use of electric vehicles. But recently Switzerland is taking steps to ban EVs to cope up with the energy shortage issue. They have come up with an innovative strategy to reduce the dependency on electricity and it is not intended to permanently ban electric vehicles.
Switzerland to Become First Country to Ban EVs
In an effort to ensure that it has enough energy to withstand this winter, Switzerland may become the first nation in the world to ban EVs. Energy is imported by the country from France and Germany, two of its neighbors. This time, however, even they are experiencing a shortage of energy production because of the decreased natural gas supplies brought on by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. For the first time in decades, France must import energy to meet its demands.
Due to the anticipated reduced availability of French nuclear power output, the Swiss Federal Electricity Commission, ElCom, has said in June of this year that the power supply for the winter will remain uncertain. Germany’s situation is also the same. These nations would hardly be able to survive this year due to decreasing energy production brought on by different global problems. Therefore, exporting electricity to Switzerland might not be feasible.
Switzerland has only prepared emergency plans to prepare for a winter energy shortage. The “Ordinance on Restrictions and Prohibitions on the Use of Electric Energy” serves as the foundation for these reports. The Swiss Federal Council is prepared to adopt the regulation, which is now merely a draft, in anticipation of a potential energy crisis in the nation. If the country encounters an energy crisis, it describes four stages of escalation. Only at the third degree of escalation do restrictions on electric mobility become effective.
“Only absolutely necessary trips, such as those required for one’s job, shopping, health visits, attendance at religious events, or legal proceeding, are permitted for private usage of electric cars “the draft claims. Since the legislation is intended to government restrictions and prohibitions on the use of electrical energy in order to ensure the country’s electricity supply, it is likely that there will be a partial ban on EVs rather than a complete ban.
Hydroelectric power accounts for 60% of Switzerland’s energy needs. The Swiss government may restrict heating in public buildings to no more than 20 degrees Celsius under other restrictions. Additionally, it might advise people to set their washing machines to a maximum temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. Switzerland will request that stores close two hours earlier if the situation gets worse. On the other hand, extreme measures will include a ban on theater performances, concerts, and sporting events.