Why should you invest in EV charging station business ?

benefits of Installing EV Charging Infra

The future is electric and here through this blog we describe the top reasons why you should invest in installing EV charging station business. And how you should use the rising EV opportunity to create a difference and gain extra revenue. India is now pushing forward with electrification to cut carbon emissions significantly. The electric vehicle has brought a green revolution to the automobile world. Across the globe, drivers are shifting towards electric vehicles quickly.

EV adoption has become a significant aspect, and so is the rise in demand for EV charging stations in India. With the surge in EVs, smart EV drivers will decide where to eat, shop, and park based on the availability of chargers and charging points. Providing the desired service to EV owners will increase business opportunities for you. Thus it is an easy way to retain and get new customers.

The availability of EV charging stations at properties increases its demand and shows its proactiveness towards modernization. This will help retain the workforce and bring the best employees to the workplace. Businesses with fleets can electrify and gain business benefits from tax cuts and reduced operational costs. State/central government provide income tax benefits to employees using EVs for personal use. The availability of charging stations at the workplace offers an excellent perk to new and existing employees who are looking to shift to EVs.

Top reasons why a business should invest in installing EV charging station business

Among all two main reasons which a business can’t or shouldn’t ignore are:

  • New opportunity to attract customers
  • The initiative by business owners to be a part of green and carbon-free business

Benefits of investing in EV charging station at your Property

YoCharge white-labelled mobile apps

Attract Customers

Customers will stop for a car-top up at your property. Installing EV chargers at your business will help improve footfall and customer traffic.

YoCharge white-labelled mobile apps

Generate extra revenue

Earn additional profit by installing an EV charging station at your business outlets such as restaurants, resorts, malls, retail stores, hospitals, workplaces and highway motels.

EV users will stop to refile juice in their car, and as they will stay to recharge for at least 45 mins, they will take a break at your place, and thus, this additional time will help you earn extra.

YoCharge white-labelled mobile apps

Put your business on the map

EV drivers use some Map apps to locate charge points. These apps help businesses list on their app and refer publicly. Ev owners/drivers who are likely to stop for charging will explore other business offerings as well.

YoCharge white-labelled mobile apps

Stay ahead of competitors

Nowadays, shoppers are savvy, and an EV buyer is smart enough to stop at a shopping mall or store with an EV charging point. So he /she can park the EV and leave it on charging while shopping.

This process will save time and generate additional value for the business. Offering charging points signals that you are a step ahead of competitors, thus providing a superior shopping experience for your shoppers.

YoCharge white-labelled mobile apps

Increase customer connections

Smart EV charging will allow drivers to connect with your business, and thus they will stop by to charge, and this will help gain customer insights and communication will reap loyal customers who will come again.

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Reduce Carbon Footprints

Pollute air causes undesirable consequences to our planet and health. Any small step we take to save our environment and improve the quality of air that we inhale.

For sustainable life on the planet, we need to work on greener and carbon freeways. Zero-emission by EV makes it a powerful tool to improve air quality.

Support green technology by hosting a charging station at your property and make the planet greener and a better place to live.

YoCharge white-labelled mobile apps

Backup Brand Value

If your brand or CSR policies are focused on sustainability and green business initiatives, then the absence of EV infrastructure will undermine the brand name and trust.

YoCharge white-labelled mobile apps

Retain Customers and Employees

EV Infrastructure at your property demonstrates a proactive approach and innovation. The modern approach may attract top employees and retain the workforce. A charging station at the workplace helps employees reduce carbon footprints and adopt a sustainable mode of transportation. 

EV is the future now!!

Cutting edge technology in EVs offers a solution to cost and environmental issues. It will bring both financial and environmental benefits and long-term benefits to the business brand. Invest in installing an EV charging station business at your commercial property, contribute to a more robust environment, and lessen the environmental burden by adopting sustainable renewable sources of energy or resources like solar energy to power up your electric car/vehicle. Contact YoCharge for more information regarding easy installation and business plans.

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